Convert your
screen time into money!

In a world where screen time on smartphones is at an all-time high, Vedoo transforms this time into an opportunity to connect with people worldwide through video chat while earning money.

Vedoo - Convert your screen time into money! 

Unlock exclusive benefits with the Vedoo Premier Pass and start earning rewards through the V-Coin App. Vedoo offers unique opportunities for staking, revenue sharing, and growing your digital assets. Join the future of social networking and gaming with Vedoo today!
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Vedoo - Convert your screen time into money! 

Unlock exclusive benefits with the Vedoo Premier Pass and start earning rewards through the V-Coin App. Vedoo offers unique opportunities for staking, revenue sharing, and growing your digital assets. Join the future of social networking and gaming with Vedoo today!
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What is Vedoo?

Vedoo is an innovative social media platform that allows users to earn digital currencies through video chats and interactions. With blockchain integration, the V-Coin app, and the Premier Pass for investors, Vedoo creates an ecosystem that monetizes online activities.

The main video chat app is currently under development. The successful pre-seed funding of $5.5 million and over $1M in Premier Pass sales so far  underscores the potential of this vision for a new digital economy.

"Making money on your phone is something only influencers and salespeople can do..."

... until now!

In an era of continuous connectivity and digital interactions, we proudly introduce Vedoo - a revolutionary app that takes social interaction to a whole new level. With this unique application, you can not only make new acquaintances through video chats but also fill your pockets with V-Coins while meeting new people and having fun.

V-Coin App Users
Countries Connected
Secured in Pre Seed
Discord Members

Why You Should Prefer Vedoo over Other Social Media Apps

Learn why other apps are no longer up to date and what solutions we offer our users to elevate their user experience to the highest level.

Lack of Monetization Opportunities for Users:

Most social media apps do not offer direct ways for users to earn money through platform usage. Users spend hours on these platforms without any financial incentives.

Our Solution:
In contrast, Vedoo provides you with the opportunity to monetize your fun and earn money while making new acquaintances, friendships, or even relationships.

Unique Swipe-to-Earn Principle: Through the innovative Swipe-to-Earn principle, you are rewarded with coins based on the time you spend in individual video chats. This encourages both you and your chat partner to engage and entertain each other to maximize coin earnings.

Transparent Earnings: The earnings system at Vedoo is simple and transparent. You know exactly how and when you can earn your coins.

Potential Value Appreciation of V-Coins: As the user base and activity on the platform grow, V-Coins have the potential to increase in value after they get listed, especially for early adopters who have accumulated more coins than others.

Special In-App Benefits: In addition, you can use your earned V-Coins in the App for an improved experience and special advantages.

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Elaborate Earnings:

While there currently isn't a comparable platform like Vedoo on the market with a Chat-and-Earn concept, there are other applications that offer a "play to earn" model. However, the earning rates on these other free earning platforms are often very low, meaning users must invest a significant amount of time in the app to earn substantial coins.

Our Solution:
On Vedoo, however, it's a different story. Here, you have control over your earnings and can significantly increase them through your individual chat behavior, playing our social game, or using multiplier mechanics.

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Cyclical Nature of the Market:

The crypto market undergoes boom and bust cycles, often driven by external influences and overall market sentiment. These cycles can lead to dramatic price fluctuations, making it difficult to time investments.

We solve this problem by allowing Vedoo investors and users to benefit from the broadly diversified community. While cryptocurrencies without direct utility are subject to market fluctuations as pure speculative objects, the V-Coin can still thrive during a bad market phase due to the demand for in-app usage. Additionally, the coins is planned to be exchangeable for goods and vouchers from many companies in the future, providing further stability and value.

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Data Misuse and Privacy Issues:

Scandals regarding data misuse and inadequate privacy protection are widespread among major social media platforms. Users are increasingly losing trust in these platforms.

Our Solution:
At Vedoo, we prioritize data protection and security because we believe everyone should be able to exchange messages and have fun on a secure platform – while also earning V-Coins, of course. We strictly enforce policies against any form of inappropriate behavior and strive to ensure your experience on our platform meets modern safety standards.

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Addictive Nature Without Reward:

While social media apps can be addictive, they often do not provide tangible rewards for the time users invest. Users lose a significant amount of time without appropriate compensation. There's a better way!

Our Solution:
At Vedoo, we believe it's unfair that social media platforms do not adequately reward their users for their engagement. As part of our community and contributing to our daily growth, we want to ensure you are not left empty-handed. Therefore, we reward you for using our chat with coins that you can later exchange, trade, or use for bonuses within our app.

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Lack of Innovation and Incentives for Users:

Many social media apps merely replicate proven concepts and fail to offer genuinely new or unique features. Moreover, these apps often provide minimal incentives for usage, resulting in low user motivation to stay active.

Our Solution:
Unlike other platforms, Vedoo combines social interactions with financial incentives, enriching and distinguishing the user experience. Additionally, we promote social interactions through our unique "Swipe-to-earn" system where you not only meet new people but also earn money together. We also integrate a social game as a special feature where you can participate unlimitedly, compete against players, and play for coins to boost your coin income and socialize even more.

Furthermore, we are already developing a range of additional formats and features to continuously expand our offerings.

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Lack of Transparency:

In many crypto-based apps, the earning mechanism is complex and difficult for the average user to understand, which can be off-putting.

Our Solution:
Vedoo follows a transparent earning system. We disclose all our offerings and show you exactly how to tailor Vedoo to create your perfect video chat experience and maximize your coin yield. We completely avoid hidden costs. That's our creed.

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Why You Won't Make Money with Most Crypto Coins

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Lack of Value Backing the Coins:

Many cryptocurrencies have little practical application outside of speculation. The coins have no inherent value and cannot be easily used. Without real use cases, it is unlikely that a cryptocurrency will gain value in the long term.

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Limited User Base of Cryptocurrencies:

The majority of cryptocurrencies are used by only a small number of people. Without a broad user base and acceptance in the real economy, these currencies have limited growth potential.

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Cyclical Nature of the Market:

The crypto market undergoes boom and bust cycles, often driven by external influences and overall market sentiment. These cycles can lead to dramatic price fluctuations, making it difficult to time investments.

How We Solve this Problem

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Increasing Value: Stability Through In-App Demand and Exchangeable Benefits

We solve this problem of "Lack of Value Backing the Coins" by ensuring Vedoo coins have a value backing. You can always redeem our coins for benefits in the app, providing you with a direct value. This, in turn, can increase the value of the coin itself, which benefits you when you hold the coin and subsequently sell it.

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Expanding Beyond Crypto: V-Coins for the Social Media Universe

We solve this problem of "Limited User Base of Cryptocurrencies" by targeting a much larger user base with Vedoo than most other cryptocurrencies do. The community is not just limited to the crypto world but extends to the entire social media universe. Here, people use the currency to connect, have fun, or just chat.

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Stability Through Utility: The Resilience of V-Coins

We solve this problem of "Cyclical Nature of the Market" by allowing Vedoo investors and users to benefit from the broadly diversified community. While cryptocurrencies without direct utility are subject to market fluctuations as pure speculative objects, the V-Coin can still thrive during a bad market phase due to the demand for exchanging them for vouchers, goods or in-app payments of users.

Discover the Value of Our Coins

Unleashing the Potential of Digital Rewards for Maximum Engagement and Growth. By integrating two different coins, we offer users multiple ways to profit from their activity.

Benefits You Receive with a Premier Pass

Learn more about the exclusive advantages of the Premier Pass.


Benefit From Your Premier Pass Now
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Exclusive Distribution of special currency

You will receive VOKey-Coins that are exclusively available during the pre-sale and embody boosted mechanisms to increase in value. Learn more here.

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Lifetime Free Features

As an investor in the pre-sale, you will enjoy lifetime access to exclusive features of the app. These can include premium functions, extended chat options, and special in-app bonuses.

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Limited Availability

The number of Early Access packages is strictly limited. By purchasing in the pre-sale, you not only secure exclusive benefits but also become one of the first to unlock the full financial potential of the app, which other users won't be able to access.

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Revenue Sharing

As a Premier Investor, you will exclusively receive a share of Vedoo's revenue. Learn more here.

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Early Access to New Features

As a Premium Investor, you will receive priority access to new features of the app. This means you will always be a step ahead and can benefit from all updates and improvements as early as possible.

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Be part of a Revolutionary movement

By investing in the pre-sale, you actively contribute to the development and spread of Vedoo, an app that will revolutionize social interaction and the monetization of interactions. You are not only supporting an innovative idea but also becoming a part of its success story.

Staking Rewards

Staking at Vedoo offers you a fantastic opportunity to generate passive income by staking your V-Coins or VOKey-Coins. By participating, you support the network and receive attractive rewards in return. We've designed the process to be simple and transparent, so you can easily track and maximize your staking rewards. Discover the benefits of staking at Vedoo and let your investment work for you!

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Supported by Leading Web3 Companies

"We are very grateful to our partners for their trust and are convinced that, together with our community, we will sustainably change and revolutionize the market for Web3 technologies."

- Marc Marlowe, CEO of Vedoo

Investor Opinions

Here you can read opinions about Vedoo from some of our Premier Investors regarding their experience and investment with Vedoo:

Let our community speak for us

As with any crypto project, the community is crucial for a healthy growth. Here are some voices from our X community about Vedoo.

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The team's dedication and transparency give me confidence in my investment, and I'm excited to be part of Vedoo's future success. 💥

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I can't say enough about Vedoo's advisor support. They made sure I understood all the benefits of early investment and how to maximize my returns. Feeling confident and ready to earn! 💰

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As a Premier Investor with Vedoo, I've seen firsthand the potential of their innovative platform. The opportunity to earn significant returns while supporting a groundbreaking project in the Web3 space has been incredible.

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Vedoo - Convert your screen time into money! 

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Vedoo's vision of tapping into our screen addiction to create value and connections is truly inspiring. Can't wait to see it grow into a global community!

Vedoo - Convert your screen time into money! 

Unlock exclusive benefits with the Vedoo Premier Pass and start earning rewards through the V-Coin App. Vedoo offers unique opportunities for staking, revenue sharing, and growing your digital assets. Join the future of social networking and gaming with Vedoo today!
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Vedoo's concept of turning screen time into real money-making opportunities is game-changing. Can't wait to see a massive user base benefitting from this innovative approach! 🤳 #Vedoo

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Web 3 Revolution

Your daily passive income
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Investing as a Premier Investor with Vedoo has been a game-changer. The potential for growth is immense, and the support from the team is unparalleled. I'm thrilled to be part of this journey. 🔥

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Vedoo - Convert your screen time into money! 

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Vedoo's innovative approach to combining video chat with cryptocurrency rewards is truly revolutionary. I've never seen anything like it and can't wait to see where it goes.

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Impressed with the expertise and dedication of Vedoo's advisors. They provided me with insightful advice and support, making my investment journey smooth and rewarding. 🌐

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Being part of the Vedoo community has been an amazing experience. The potential for earning and the excitement of being involved in such a forward-thinking project make it a standout in the Web3 space.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQs provide detailed answers to common questions about using Vedoo, earning V-Coins, and participating in the Pre-Sale.


What is Vedoo?

Vedoo is a groundbreaking app designed to revolutionize the way we connect and earn in the digital age. By using Vedoo, you can earn V-Coins simply by engaging in video chats with people from around the world. The concept is simple: the more time you spend on the app interacting in one chat with others, the more V-Coins you accumulate. These V-Coins can be used within the app for various rewards and features, and in the future, you will even be able to exchange them for other cryptocurrencies or real-world products.  

Vedoo offers a unique stay-to-earn principle that rewards users for meaningful interactions and sustained engagement. It's more than just a video chat platform; it's an opportunity to make new friends, build relationships, and earn valuable digital currency all at the same time. Our transparent earning system ensures that you always know how much you're earning and how you can maximize your coin yield, with no hidden fees or complicated processes.


What are the benefits for users?

Transparent Earning System:
Our earning system is designed to be completely transparent. Vedoo ensures that you always know how much you are earning and how you can maximize your coin yield. There are no hidden fees or complex processes – just straightforward earning based on your engagement.  

Redeemable Rewards:
The V-Coins you earn can be redeemed within the app for various rewards and features. Whether it's premium functions, enhanced chat options, or exclusive in-app bonuses, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the benefits of your earned V-Coins.  

Future Exchange Opportunities:
In addition to in-app rewards, Vedoo is planning to expand the utility of V-Coins. In the near future, you will be able to exchange your V-Coins for other cryptocurrencies or real-world products. This adds an extra layer of value to the coins you earn, making them even more beneficial. Even in the event of a significant crypto recession, the value of V-Coins will be maintained as they can be exchanged for real-world assets, not just limited to crypto trading.  Building Meaningful

Vedoo is not just about earning coins; it's about building connections. The app provides a platform to meet new people, make friends, and even form meaningful relationships. Engaging in video chats can be a rewarding social experience, enhancing your digital social life.  

Potential Value Appreciation of V-Coins:
As the user base and activity on Vedoo grow, there is potential for V-Coins to appreciate in value. Early adopters who accumulate more coins stand to benefit the most from this potential increase in value, making your early participation even more rewarding.  

Fun and Engaging Experience:
Above all, Vedoo provides a fun and engaging way to spend your time. The app is designed to be user-friendly and enjoyable, making it easy to dive into conversations and start earning. With Vedoo, your time online becomes both entertaining and rewarding.


How does Vedoo generate value?

Vedoo creates value through its robust tokenomics and strategic partnerships with various companies, allowing users to exchange their V-Coins for real-world assets. Our healthy tokenomics ensure a balanced and sustainable ecosystem where the supply and demand of V-Coins are carefully managed to maintain their value. This economic model is designed to reward users fairly and encourage long-term engagement on the platform.  

By forming partnerships with reputable companies, Vedoo provides users with a wide range of options to redeem their V-Coins. These partnerships enable users to exchange their earned V-Coins for real-world products and services, enhancing the practical value of their digital earnings. This approach not only makes V-Coins more versatile but also ensures that they retain their worth even during fluctuations in the crypto market. Users are not solely dependent on the crypto trade for the value of their V-Coins, as they have the assurance of being able to exchange them for tangible goods and services.  

Through these initiatives, Vedoo creates a reliable and attractive platform where users can confidently invest their time and efforts, knowing that their digital earnings hold real-world value.


How does Vedoo generate value for the VOKey-Coins?

VOKey-Coins are exclusively available during the pre-sale and can only be obtained through exchanges thereafter. These coins are essential for specific in-app purchases, ensuring their consistent use and demand. By limiting the supply and issuing only a few coins through mystery boxes or giveaways, we maintain scarcity and value. Additionally, VOKey-Coins offer staking opportunities with up to 25% APY. They can also be exchanged for V-Coins within the app, adding further utility and flexibility for our users.


How does Vedoo set itself apart in the Web3 to earn space?

Vedoo stands out in the Web 3 to earn space by leveraging social interaction for value creation. Users earn V-Coins through video chats, promoting genuine connections. Unlike many projects, Vedoo ensures healthy tokenomics, managing V-Coins' supply and demand for sustainability.  

Strategic partnerships allow users to exchange V-Coins for real-world goods and services, maintaining value even during market fluctuations. Vedoo’s user-friendly platform makes Web 3 accessible to all, fostering a diverse and inclusive community.  

Additionally, Vedoo emphasizes community engagement, with users earning points within the Discord community that can be exchanged for V-Coins. The platform also prioritizes security and privacy, with encrypted video chats and strict data protection policies. Through these features, Vedoo offers a unique, engaging, and secure platform in the Web 3 to earn space.


Where can I learn more about the Vedoo pre-sale and get my Premier Pass?

To get detailed information about the Vedoo pre-sale and how to become your Premier Pass, visit our dedicated Premier Pass page on our website. Here, you’ll find all the necessary details about the pre-sale process, benefits of having a Premier Pass, and how to secure your exclusive spot. Additionally, join our Discord channel for real-time updates, community discussions, and support from our team. You can also find comprehensive details in our white paper and within the Discord channel, ensuring you have all the information needed to participate and benefit from the pre-sale.